NESRI Travels to West Virginia for Poverty Scholars Leadership School

Last week NESRI and its partners CADRE, Mayday New Orleans, FFLIC, and CIW all attended the Poverty Initiative’s Poverty Scholars Leadership School. Held from August 9th -15th, more than 160 leaders from across the country and around the world gathered for a week in Charleston West Virginia to study together, teach one another, and to work towards Reigniting the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Poor People’s Campaign today. At the School NESRI facilitated a workshop entitled “Human Rights and Reigniting Martin Luther King’s Poor People’s Campaign.” The workshop featured members of Mayday New Orleans, CADRE of Los Angeles, Michigan Welfare Rights Union, and United Workers of Baltimore. For more information on the Poverty Initiative and the Poverty Scholars Leadership School click here Visit the leadership school blog click here View a NESRI photo gallery from the leadership school click here.