Low Wage Workers
Partners for Dignity & Rights works with the worker center movement to build the power and participation of workers to enforce their right to work with dignity. So long as retaliation, intimidation, and discrimination are the standard way of doing business, low wage workers are stripped of any power to determine their conditions of work and, by extension, the conditions of their lives and that of their families. We seek to support workers to grow their power and to self-govern by putting workers at the center of enforcing existing workplace laws, as well as raising and shaping standards.
Based on a successful, long-term partnership with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and development of the Fair Food Program, which has dramatically transformed conditions for workers throughout the U.S. tomato industry, Partners for Dignity & Rights now anchors the transnational Worker-driven Social Responsibility Network. Through the Network, we partner with workers’ organizations to advance enforcement models, like the Fair Food Program, the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh, Milk with Dignity and the recent Agreement on Gender Justice in Lesotho Apparel that effectively ensure the human rights of workers at the bottom of product supply and labor contracting chains.
We also collaborate with worker centers to build and institutionalize worker power to enforce the right to work with dignity through strategic public policy interventions. P4DR supports developing and scaling worker-led models that shift the balance of power between workers and the businesses that create the conditions for their abuse.
For more information, check out:
- WSR-Network.org, the Worker-driven Social Responsibility Network’s website, which includes tools for practitioners.
- Partners for Dignity & Rights’ Worker Power through Public Enforcement resources, including our white paper.
- Our Work
- A New Social Contract
- Dignity in Schools
- Land and Housing
- Low Wage Workers