First Official UN Housing Mission to United States To Begin

The arrival of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, Raquel Rolnik, to New York City today, marks the start of her Official Fact Finding Mission to the United States. During her tour of the country the Rapporteur will be documenting the national housing crisis, and in particular its impact on those suffering from foreclosure, homelessness, and inadequate social support for housing through limitations on section 8 vouchers, and demolition and defunding of public housing. To follow the Mission, please visit the Housing Mission Blog where Mission materials, itineraries and updates will be posted. Already the blog hosts a number of posts, including a podcast about the housing crisis from NESRI ally Willie Baptist of the Poverty Initiative. Also, you can now follow NESRI on Twitter where we’ll be tweeting daily about the Mission. View a flyer for the NYC Town Hall Meeting with the Rapporteur tonight, Thursday, October 22, at 6:30 pm at Union Theological Seminary.