
Huge Turnout at Vermont Rally for “Healthcare is a Human Right”

Vermonters Rally in Montpelier1

Vermonters from all across the state converged on the Vermont Statehouse on May 1st to demonstrate for recognizing health care as a human right in Vermont and providing it as a public good by implementing a single-payer, universal health care system.  Organized by NESRI partner the Vermont Workers’ Center, over a thousand people marched from the Montpelier City Hall down to the capital building accompanied by drums, dancers, puppets, balloons and signs supporting universal health care.  NESRI, the Poverty Initiative and Media Mobilizing Project traveled to Montpelier to assist with the multi-media documentation of the day and hold a media strategy session with the Vermont Workers’ Center media committee. View a WCAX TV news coverage of the rally here.  View a Labor Notes article by the VWC’s Jonathon Kissam here.


Here’s a slideshow of the rally: