Historic Breakthrough in Florida’s Tomato Fields

NESRI partner the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and the Florida Tomato Growers Exchange (FTGE) have reached an agreement that will extend the CIW’s Fair Food principles – including a strict code of conduct, a cooperative complaint resolution system, a participatory health and safety program, and a worker-to-worker education process – to over 90% of the Florida tomato industry. Starting this season, FTGE growers have agreed to pass through the penny-per-pound that large retail purchasers like Taco Bell, McDonald’s, and Whole Foods have committed to paying farmworkers in their supply chain. For more information, read the press release. See NBC News coverage of the story. Read related coverage from the New York Daily News.
Sign a petition to Trader Joe’s asking them to join CIW’s Campaign for Fair Food.