South African Shackdwellers’ President S’bu Zikode on GritTV
"The power of the poor starts when we as the poor recognise our own humanity," wrote S'bu Zikode, President of Abahlali baseMjondolo, the South African Shackdwellers’ Movement.
Years after the end of apartheid, poor South Africans still struggle under a system that has yet to fulfill the promises it made to the people: redistribution of land has stopped, and the attention of the world subsided as the World Cup ended.
NESRI, along with over thirty organizations across the United States, coordinated the national tour of esteemed movement organizer and public intellectual S'bu Zikode, founding member and current President of Abahlali baseMjondolo, or Shackdwellers' Movement, post-apartheid South Africa's largest social movement led by the militant poor.