United Workers’ Fair Development Forum Coming to New York City

On Thursday, April 28th at 6pm, join us for the Fair Development Forum NYC. NESRI and our partner United Workers will be releasing a report later this month that takes a behind the scenes look at the human cost of Poverty-Zone Development at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor and how low-wage workers are leading the fight for Fair Development. In conjunction with the release of the report, United Workers is holding a series of forums in Baltimore, New York and Chicago to connect the fight for Fair Development at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor to other struggles at the intersection of poverty, development, and human rights. The Poverty Initiative will be hosting the New York Fair Development Forum, where harbor workers and leaders will share stories of systemic human rights abuses, present findings from the report and describe a model for organizing service-sector workers in branded spaces and malls. After comments from experts in the field of human rights advocacy, faith, and grassroots organizing, we will facilitate a discussion about how Poverty-Zone Development impacts communities across the country, what communities are doing to organize and put forward an alternative vision that respects human rights, and how we can connect and strengthen the fight for Fair Development. Join us for an exciting evening with food, presentations, and engaging dialogue! The forum will be held at Union Theolotical Seminary – Room AD30, 3041 Broadway, New York, NY 10027
Questions? or to RSVP call 410-230-1998 or email