Clearinghouse Review’s Human Rights Edition Features NESRI Partners

The September-October 2011 Special Edition of Clearinghouse Review: Journal of Poverty Law and Policy focuses on human rights as "A New (And Old) Way to Secure Justice." In the publishers’ words: "This special issue of Clearinghouse Review: Journal of Poverty Law and Policy applies a human rights lens to poverty law practice. With contributions from expert advocates across the country who work at the intersection of international human rights and poverty law, articles discuss new strategies, analyze how international human rights law applies to traditional legal aid issues like health, housing, and workers’ rights, and offer case studies of successful use of human rights arguments on behalf of low-income clients." The corporate campaigns of NESRI partners the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and United Workers are featured in an article by NESRI’s Human Right to Work with Dignity Program Director entitled With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: Grassroots Corporate Campaigns for Workers’ Human Rights. Other articles address the human rights to housing and to health and feature the work of NESRI partner Vermont Workers’ Center. For more information about this Special Edition and how to access articles, click here.