Baltimore Resolution Advances Human Rights-Based Fair Development

In its continued efforts to address the human rights abuses against workers at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, NESRI partner United Workers has recently presented a resolution to the Baltimore City Council. This resolution calls on developers – together with city agencies – to dialogue with workers and address the poverty zone development that has led to degraded working conditions throughout the Inner Harbor. The resolution recognizes that solutions must be developed with workers taking a leadership role along with other community stakeholders.
Sponsored by multiple City Council members, the resolution is based on the findings in a report NESRI co-produced with United Workers: Hidden in Plain Sight: Workers at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor and the Struggle for Fair Development. The report documents the human rights abuses experienced by workers in the restaurant and retail developments and makes the case for an alternative human rights-based fair development model. The resolution is part of United Workers’ campaign calling on private developers to use their economic power to create decent living conditions for workers. As the City Council resolution moves through the committee process, United Workers is actively mobilizing local allies for support.
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