Fast for Fair Food Demands Justice for Farmworkers

NESRI partner the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) organized an historic Fast for Fair Food near Publix headquarters in Lakeland, Florida, beginning on Monday, March 5th, during which sixty-one workers from Immokalee and their allies chose to forego food for six days in the hopes of moving supermarket giant Publix to join the Campaign for Fair Food. On Saturday, March 10th, the fasters and their supporters, including Robert F. Kennedy’s widow, Ethel Kennedy, and his children Kerry and RFK Jr., staged a procession to Publix Headquarters from a local Publix store, and culminated the Fast, while still awaiting signs that Publix would end its resistance to becoming part of the transformation underway in Florida’s tomato industry. For photo galleries and press coverage of these dramatic events, click here.