
NYPD School Safety Data Shows Most Arrests in Bronx Schools

Most of the students arrested or ticketed by police are in Bronx schools, according to a new analysis of NYPD school safety data released by the New York Civil Liberties Union.

The report, released Wednesday, shows that 33% of arrests were made and nearly 55% of summonses were given in the Bronx. Citywide, police arrested 327 students and handed out 555 summonses in schools from January through March.

More than 96% of arrests were of black or Latino students, and more than 73% were male.

Joseph Duarte, a sophomore at Samuel Gompers High School in the Bronx, said he and his classmates feel singled out.

“These numbers make us feel like the NYPD is targeting black and Latino students, and that's just plain wrong,” said the 15-year-old member of the Dignity in Schools campaign. “We go to school to get an education, not arrested.”

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