
New Data Released Shows Youth of Color Continue to be Targeted by NYPD at Higher Rates in NYC Public Schools

June 3, 2013 — The number of arrests and tickets issued in New York City public schools continued to decline during the first quarter of 2013, according to data released today by the Dignity in Schools Campaign-New York. But while the decline is good news, disparities in arrests and tickets remain shockingly high with black and Latino students bearing the brunt of the NYPD’s school discipline policies.

Furthermore, the current data is incomplete because it only includes arrests and summonses by School Safety Agents (SSAs), not sworn police officers, even though there are many instances when police from local precincts are making the arrest or issuing the summons in school.

According to the new data provided by the NYPD to the City Council under the Student Safety Act, there were 157 arrests and 206 summonses issued between January 1 and March 31, 2013. This is a 52 percent decrease in arrests and a 63 percent decrease in summonses compared to the same three-month period in 2012. But 91 percent of arrested students were black or Latino, with many arrested for minor offenses.

Read the entire press release here.