
The People’s Budget Campaign Gets Animated!


NESRI is inviting everyone to take part in a webinar on human rights budgeting to launch our first animated film!  On August 21, 3 pm ET/ 12 noon PT, the webinar will present our short film and discuss the serious disconnect between budget policies and the realities of people’s lives. We will show how inequality in our country is tied to the way public budgets are decided, and how we can make budgets more responsive to people’s voices, needs and rights.

Please register here for our People’s Budget webinar!



This a collaboration with the People’s Budget Campaign in Vermont, spearheaded by the Vermont Workers’ Center, which has been organizing thousands of people to demand a state budget based on human rights. The campaign achieved its first legislative success last year: the state of Vermont is now required by law to develop a budget that addresses people’s needs, advances equity and dignity, and involves public participation.

While the campaign is continuing its efforts to make this a reality, our webinar and short film will explain what a human rights approach to budgeting would look like. Speakers will discuss the idea of a budget based on human rights, the state level advocacy experience and the practical impact of participatory bugdeting in New York City. Join us in changing the way we make local, state and federal budgets!



Members of Vermont’s People’s Budget Campaign at the Statehouse

Additional Resources
