Invest in Public Education, Not Prison Cultivation: Dignity In Schools 6th Annual National Week of Action

October 3-11, 2015
During this year's Dignity in Schools Campaign Week of Action, members and allies will hold rallies, marches, forums and workshops across the country to raise awareness to #EndSchoolPushout in our nation's schools and to help launch and support local campaigns of students, parents, teachers and advocates working to transform and #RethinkDiscipline policies and practices.
National Week of Action Demands:
DSC members are calling on the federal government, states, districts and schools to:
- Shift funding from school police to counselors and positive discipline.
- Use positive interventions instead of suspensions, expulsions or arrests, and end racial disparities in discipline.
- Fully implement positive alternatives such as Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Restorative Practices.
- Engage students and parents in decision-making about discipline policies.
Follow Dignity in Schools Campaign on Social Media!
- Like on Facebook!
- Follow on Twitter! Join the Conversation: #DSCWoA2015 #EndSchoolPushout #InvestinPublicEd #RethinkDiscipline
- You can download our 2015 Week of Action Postcard, Poster + Social Media Avatar here.
- Use the Week of Action Media Organizing Packet to help plan your local event.
Click here to see a list of Week of Action events by state.