Women’s Rights Are Human Rights

Today a President was inaugurated who campaigned on misogyny, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and racism, yet defenders of human rights are rising to the challenge. The Women’s March on Washington tomorrow will be a powerful demonstration for dignity, justice and human rights. Hundreds of thousands will march in Washington and in 600 worldwide sister mobilizations under the theme “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights.” Claiming women’s rights as human rights has long been a pillar of feminism, and tomorrow the call for women’s human rights will ring around the globe.
The human rights we enjoy today have largely been won through the tireless organizing and tenacity of women. It is women who plug the holes left behind by a structurally unsound economy and social safety system. It is women who hold together families and communities through the rarely-paid labor of securing and maintaining health care, housing and family stability for loved ones. And even within our movements, when disagreements arise, as in the planning of this march, it is women who draw on their experiences and strength to bring us together. Women’s strength, love and leadership have always been vital in struggles for human rights, and are needed as much now as ever.
As President Trump and Congress launch their assault on our families and communities, let us join together to build the opposition we need. As the Women’s March on Washington statement of purpose and principles reminds us, our liberation is bound up in each other’s.