Read in Truthout: Poverty Wages, Deportations, Wage Theft, Cockroaches: Farmworkers Demand Dignity from Ben & Jerry’s

On Saturday, June 17th, more than 200 farmworkers and their allies marched on Ben & Jerry’s ice cream plant in Vermont. The march marked another turning point in the Milk with Dignity campaign, led by Migrant Justice, which seeks to secure humane treatment for the workers in the famed brand’s dairy supply chain. Though Migrant Justice and Ben & Jerry’s reached an agreement in principle in June, 2015, the ice cream giant has yet to sign a final agreement with Migrant Justice that would kickstart implementation of the Milk with Dignity Program. Don’t miss “Poverty Wages, Deportations, Wage Theft, Cockroaches: Farmworkers Demand Dignity From Ben & Jerry’s” in Truthout, an in-depth look into the campaign and the worker-led organization driving it.