Partners for Dignity & Rights Director Cathy Albisa to Receive Human Rights Award

Partners for Dignity & Rights director Cathy Albisa received a human rights award from the Rights and Democracy Institute.
The Rights & Democracy Institute annual Human Rights Awards in New Hampshire and Vermont will honor local leaders and groups in those states, while celebrating the 71st Anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
December 10th marks the 71st Anniversary since the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
That is why we’ve chosen this time of year to both recognize the progress we’ve made and recognize the work ahead of us to live up to the promise of this important declaration.
2019 RDI Human Rights Award recipients:
- Ana Maria Archila, Co-Director, Center For Popular Democracy
- Cathy Albisa, Executive Director, National Economic & Social Rights Initiative
- Asma Elhuni, RISE! Upper Valley
- Josie Pinto, New Hampshire Youth Movement
- Maggie Fogarty, Arnie Alpert Action Fund, NH American Friends Service Committee
- Wendell Potter, Business For Medicare For All
- Meagan Gallagher, Vermont Planned Parenthood Action Fund
- Wafic Faour, Vermont Coalition For Social and Ethnic Equity in Schools