Commemorating Human Rights Day

Today marks the 71st Anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, celebrated each year as Human Rights Day. This year, more than ever, we are committing to raising the stakes in our support of grassroots movements for human rights and authentic democracy. Today is also the launch date for a new campaign for a Federal Jobs Guarantee, a campaign of which Partners for Dignity and Rights is a co-signer.
We must be unafraid to be bold. The movements that have built momentum for a Green New Deal, Federal Jobs Guarantee, and Medicare for All are just the beginning. In the coming year, we will be bringing the New Social Contract to communities across the US, connecting these broad movements for systemic change.
Human Rights Day is about all of us. We ask our friends to commemorate Human Rights Day by taking some action today for a loving, sustainable future for all people.
This year, we are also marking fifteen years since our organization’s founding. In the coming weeks, we will have some exciting announcements about our organization and our work. For now, we ask you to save the date for our anniversary commemoration, on April 30, 2020.
We count on your support for our work of building a future grounded in human rights values for people and communities. Your gift to Partners for Dignity and Rights supports community-driven solutions to our most critical problems. Solutions that are rooted in rights, equity, and democracy. Solutions that work and put power back in the hands of our communities.