
Jobs for All: A Manifesto


NESRI has recently joined our allies in signing the Jobs for All Manifesto.

Imagine a world:
  • Where everyone who wants to work has a living-wage job.
  • Where no one needs to cobble together multiple jobs to make ends meet.
  • Where joblessness and its consequences no longer exist.
  • Where millions are working in concert to heal our environment, rebuild our physical and care infrastructure, and renew our public art.
  • Where the basic right to a job is guaranteed.

We face a crisis of economic insecurity. At this moment of economic and ecological upheaval, when pervasive economic insecurity and racial exclusion exist alongside concentrated wealth and a sweltering planet, we need a strategy to build an economy that produces economic security and dignity for all.

A Federal Job Guarantee is our way forward. By ensuring every person who wants to work can find a good job meeting vital community needs, a Federal Job Guarantee can be the cornerstone of an inclusive, thriving, and sustainable 21st century economy.

Add your voice. Join us in calling for a Federal Job Guarantee – our path to an economy centered around human value. Show your commitment by signing the manifesto.

Read more in Essence, Sojourners, and Spotlight on Poverty.