Beyond Survival One Year Later

Partners for Dignity & Rights Co-Executive Director Kenyon Farrow moderated this important conversation featuring Ejeris Dixon, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, RJ Maccani, YaliniDream, Woods Ervin, and India Harris.
One year after the publication of Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement, we’ve witnessed a year of tremendous abolitionist resistance, multiple pandemics, and crises. We’re reflecting on what’s needed right now, in this moment of transformative justice and abolitionist work? Join authors of Beyond Survival, artists and organizers Ejeris Dixon and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha alongside New York-based contributors: Woods Ervin, RJ Maccani, YaliniDream, and India Harris for a “fireside chat” moderated by Kenyon Farrow about Beyond Survival, abolition, and transformative justice. Guests shared specific and concrete tools for holding transformative justice processes, the intersections between violence, accountability, patriarchy, and harm, and how to build community safety in order to address violence, overdoses, and medical emergencies within an abolitionist framework. Q&A at end.
You can read more about this conversation, and Beyond Survival, here.