Hiring: Interim Communications Consultant for Dignity in Schools Campaign

We’re excited to announce that we’re hiring for a temporary position at the Dignity in Schools Campaign (DSC), because our Communications Coordinator will be going on paternity leave starting in September or early October.
This Communications Consultant position will work closely with DSC staff and will work in a part-time capacity (about 15 hours per week) from hire through the end of December. After that, the workload will be reduced to about 10 hours per week, concluding in February. Pay is 25K to 30K.
Things to know:
- This is a remote position, and some travel may be required.
- As a coalition, we challenge the systemic problem of school pushout in our nation’s traditional public and charter schools and offer recommendations to promote local and national alternatives to a culture of zero-tolerance, criminalization, punishment and removal.
- The hired consultant will not be an employee of the organization. This protects both the “Contractor” and “Consultant” from any implied employer/employee relationship.
Key responsibilities include:
- Fielding media requests and directing to relevant parties within the campaign.
- Maintaining an active presence on social media for DSC platforms, highlighting content produced by DSC member organizations and the social/education justice landscape broadly.
- Organizing and/or facilitating media and communications trainings with membership.
- Facilitating calls and meetings with membership.
- General website maintenance and publishing new content.
Ideal candidates possess the following skills:
- Ability to maintain regular social media engagement by reposting/sharing content produced by members, and developing short form content around education justice-related topics
- Ability to work with and be responsive to a diverse array of people, personalities and abilities inside and outside the coalition.
Please submit a CV/Resume and brief cover letter to info(@)dignityinschools.org by September 18th, 2023.
If you have any questions about the position, please contact our Director, Ruth Idakula via email at ruth(@)dignityinchools.org or Natalie Chap, our Deputy Director at natalie(@)dignityinschools.org