What’s Next After The Elections?

We have power within our movement, our community, and ourselves. Today and every day, we find strength in each other. We continue to dream of a world where people don’t just survive but truly thrive.
While we do not know everything that the coming years will bring, we know that our basic rights will be under attack. We also know, from experience and from communities all over the world, that even under extreme oppression, people always find ways to build alternatives. We are writing today to let you know that we are committed to being part of building a better world.
We believe a precondition to resistance is imagining the way things could or should be. Partners for Dignity & Rights challenges threats to our democracy and human rights, and supports communities building alternatives. The organizations we work with on the frontlines fight for freedom, dignity, and autonomy every day – against all odds and at great risk.
In these moments, we remember our elders. Civil rights leader Ella Baker, said, “We Who Believe in Freedom Cannot Rest.” Let’s pause, acknowledge our weariness, be angry that we have to fight, and then pause again to feel the glow of possibility. Transformation and struggle requires us all to work together.
We all deserve to live in peace, take care of our families without the threat of danger, and have access to the care and basic rights that we need to survive and thrive. We envision a just world where everyone is treated with dignity, everyone’s human needs are met, and everyone can thrive and reach their full potential. In the face of daunting conditions, we remain steadfast in our vision and work to secure and expand workers rights, break the school-to-prison pipeline, advance permanently affordable housing models, and shift governing power from corporations to the public.
We are building power in communities, by building solidarity across movements.
Join us. Together, as always, and in defiance of those who would risk our lives and freedoms, we will fight to protect our communities and our rights, and build democracy.