Building a Just Baltimore for All: A Plan for a Fair Development Future

NESRI worked in partnership with the United Workers and the Fair Development Campaign to produce this Plan in the wake of the Baltimore uprising following the police killing of Freddie Gray and the Mayor’s admonition that this is a “once in a generation” moment for economic development.
Building A Just Baltimore for All: A Plan for a Fair Development Future calls for:
- A Human Rights Charter making all city employees and contractors, including the police, accountable to human rights obligations
- Permanently affordable housing through community land trusts and stronger inclusionary housing policies
- Living wage jobs in neighborhoods most affected by injustice through resident-first hiring practices in development processes
- Accountability to the public good for private developers receiving public subsidies
- Full transparency of the city government’s financial decisions
- Equitable budget and tax policies
- Integrating green jobs and environmental justice standards, especially in neighborhoods most affected by injustices
The plan emerged out of our partnership work since 2008 with the Baltimore-based Fair Development Campaign. The Campaign challenges the privatized model of development that has become the norm despite its continuous failure to meet human needs. NESRI worked with its partners and allies to produce this plan for a more just and equitable city, and so far, the Plan has been endorsed by 17 organizations. Further engagement for input and support will continue through a series of community dialogues.
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