Model Code on Education and Dignity: Presenting a Human Rights Framework for Schools

The Dignity in Schools Campaign Model Code on Education and Dignity presents a set of recommended policies to schools, districts and legislators to help end school pushout and protect the human rights to education, dignity, participation and freedom from discrimination. Originally released in 2012, this updated 2019 version of the Code is the culmination of several years of research and dialogue with students, parents, educators, advocates and researchers who came together to envision a school system that supports all children and young people in reaching their full potential.
You can access an online version of the Model Code Chapters at this link – – where you can browse the recommended policy areas included in each chapter, which are available as separate PDFs that you can download. There will also be a dropdown menu for you to browse the full list of topics included in the Model Code.
You can think of the code as a menu – pick the sample language for the sections that would make the most impact in your community and use them to help craft your demands or recommendations. Feel free to print and share whole sections with your community or decision-makers, or you can borrow language from different places and make tweaks that are tailored to the needs of your schools.
The Dignity in Schools Campaign will be releasing additional materials over the coming months to help communities use this new resource and will be hosting trainings and webinars. Email for more information.
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