Video: DSC Week of Action 2013


Here is a collection of videos from the 4th annual DSC Week of Action, which took place on the week of September 28th – October 5th, 2013.  


National Week of Action on School Pushout Promo Video

This is a short promotional video for the 2013 Week of Action, which feature emotional testimony from students, parents and teachers who have been effected by School Pushout.



Push Back Against School Pushout

This video provides interviews and testimony from students, parents, teachers and activists on the debilitating effects of School Pushout and offers solutions to the problem of pushout through Restorative Justice practices.


Solutions Not Suspensions

This video details the crippling effects of suspension policies and calls for a moratorium on exclusionary discipline practices and for the implementation of Restorative Justice programs in schools.


Counselors Not Cops

This video features testimony on the effects of cops in schools in creating a School to Prison Pipeline and argues for an increase in guidance counselors and Restorative Justice programs that will put an end to the problem of School Pushout.  


Racial Disparities

This video details the disproportionate impact that School Pushout has on students of color and the way that exclusionary discipline practices systemically enforce racism and inequality in schools.  


Pushout Policies Impacting LGBTQ Youth

This video shows the impact that School Pushout has on LGBTQ students.


Restorative Justice

This video provides an alternative to the zero-tolerance disciplinary practices, arguing instead for a Restorative Justice approach which keeps kids in schools and addresses the root cause of the issue.


New York Week of Action

The Dignity in Schools Campaign –  New York is a citywide coalition of youth, parents, educators and advocates fighting to end zero-tolerance discipline policies in New York City schools and to implement positive approaches like peer meditation and restorative practices.


School-wide PBIS

This video shows the power of School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) to give students, parents and teachers the power to create a positive school climate without pushing students out.


Pushout Policies Impacting Immigrant Youth

This video shows the effect of School Pushout on Immigrant students.


Invest in Education, Not Incarceration

This video details the national effort to end the U.S.’s investment in the criminal justice system and increase the capacity of schools to provide quality education rather than put students on a path to prison.


DSC Week of Action 2013 Highlights

Learn about local campaigns to end school pushout across the country in this video of highlights from the Dignity In School Campaign’s 2013 National Week of Action Against School Pushout.  DSC members in 42 cities across 22 students held rallies, teach-ins, workshops and community forums.


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