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Dignity For All: Put People First Statement for a People’s Budget
Vermont's Put People First movement delivered this unity statement to members of the Vermont Senate and House Appropriations Committees at the February 11, 2013, Budget Hearings held at 15 VT Interactive TV sites throughout the state. Many dozen members of Put People First testified at the hearings, reporting their unmet needs, demanding dignity and equity, and calling for a People's Budget.

Healthcare Is a Human Right Campaign Testimony Calls for Limiting and Ultimately Prohibiting Private Insurance Market

Health Care for All Takes Big Stride in Vermont

Vermont Senate Passes Bill for Universal, Publicly Financed Health Care

Vermont Campaign Urges Senators to Defeat Attacks Against Universal Health Care Bill

Why We Can’t Let Big Business Threaten Universal Health Care

Human Right to Health Care Activists Demand Strengthening of Vermont’s Reform Bill

Beyond the Market: Why We Must Treat Health Care as a Public Good

Lawmakers Need to Choose “People Over Profits” – Op-Ed