Staff & Advisors

Brittany Scott
Senior Research Strategist

Brittany Scott (she/her) is a Senior Research Strategist at Partners for Dignity & Rights (P4DR). She leads P4DR’s Worker-Powered Enforcement work, through which she collaborates with workers’ organizations to develop and implement worker-led policy models that create new opportunities for workers to build power and institutionalize workers’ collective power to enforce their own rights. In her work, Brittany co-develops and facilitates participatory approaches to research, strategic planning, campaign development, base-building and alliance-building, as well as engaging in joint advocacy and communications efforts. In her decade-plus with P4DR, Brittany has worked in support of grassroots struggles for multiracial economic democracy centered around issues of workers’ rights and housing justice. She has served as the primary writer and editor of several reports developed jointly with partners, her writing has been published in the Columbia Human Rights Law Review, NEW SOLUTIONS, Organizing Upgrade, and Jacobin, and her research has been covered by In These Times, Chicago Tribune, the Sun-Times, and public radio in Chicago, New York and D.C. She received her B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis and is a graduate of Fordham Law School.