Staff & Advisors

Imara Jones

Senior Advisor


Imara Jones is a co-creator and senior advisor to Partners for Dignity and Rights’ New Social Contract project. Her work has won Emmy and Peabody Awards and she is host of The Last Sip a weekly, half-hour news show currently on hiatus which targets Millennials of color, especially women and the LGBTQ community. She also is the creator of TransLash a four-part docuseries about it is like to be trans at a time of social backlash. Both programs are produced by Oria Media, which Imara leads. The Last Sip airs on the independent news network FSTV. Imara’s work as a host, on-air news analyst, and writer focuses on the full-range of social justice and equity issues. Imara has been featured regularly in a number of leading news outlets such as The Guardian, The Nation, MSNBC, CNBC, NPR, Mic, and Colorlines. Imara has held economic policy posts in the Clinton White House and communications positions at Viacom. Imara holds degrees from the London School of Economics and Columbia. Imara is a transwoman and goes by the pronouns she/her/they/them. Imara is 2018 Voqal Fellow and is currently a Fellow-in-Residence at The New York Women’s Foundation.

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