Board of Directors

Kimberly Freeman Brown

For over a decade, Kimberly Freeman Brown has served as a transformational change organizational development consultant to nonprofits that serve the public good. Community-based, faith-based, philanthropic, international, and national advocacy organizations, unions and local government have utilized her expertise on racial justice and equity and inclusion initiatives; communications and leadership development programs; crisis management and conflict resolution; and as an executive coach and facilitator. In 2021, Kimberly co-founded Imagine Us, a multiracial, multigenerational organizational development consultant community that centers racial justice, equity and inclusion in all its work. Prior to consulting she served as executive director of a national labor policy organization, American Rights at Work. She is a co-author of Beyond Neutrality (2022), a report on staff unionization among progressive non-profit organizations, and six other major reports on the work and leadership of women of color–most notably And Still I Rise: Black Women Labor Leaders’ Voices, Power and Promise (2015).
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