Staff & Advisors

Peter Sabonis
Human Rights Development Program Director

Peter works with community groups to promote human rights based economic and community development. He brings together years of community organizing familiarity with skills related to law and public policy. Peter co-founded a legal aid program, the Homeless Persons Representation Project, and the United Workers, a multi-racial human rights group that does community organizing. He is a member of a community land trust in Baltimore, and part of the SHARE Baltimore Community Land Trust network. He was the primary writer and editor of the Baltimore Housing Roundtable’s report, Community + Land + Trust: Tools for Development Without Displacement.
As an attorney with the Maryland Legal Aid Bureau in 2010, he helped lead it to adopt a human rights framework for its statewide advocacy. Sabonis also was a staff member at the Massachusetts Senate Ways and Means Committee, received a B.S. in Economics from the University of Maryland, and a J.D. from Northeastern University.
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