11 Lessons From 11 Years After the Rana Plaza Disaster

On April 24, 2013, the Rana Plaza building collapsed in Bangladesh killing 1,134 people and injuring approximately 2,500 more. Those deaths were preventable. In the aftermath of the deadliest incident in the history of the apparel manufacturing industry, worker organizations and activists around the globe rallied around the demand: “Rana Plaza Never Again.”
In our work at Partners for Dignity and Rights where we collaborate with a wide range of worker organizations, we have seen that many of the root causes of these deadly and exploitative conditions are a consequence of the same corporate playbook.
In the 11 years since the Rana Plaza collapse, we have learned some lessons broadly transferable from Bangladesh’s garment factories to workplaces worldwide where workers seek to win binding, enforceable protections to keep them safe at work.
Read the full article and analysis at In These Times.